• Hope

  • Save

  • Help

We can make a difference in the life of needy children

Around the world, there are many well-known charitable organisations but few can pride themselves in working to achieve the ideals we advocate: love of humanity, help to the deprived, generosity and fraternity.

One of our basic principles is that all Council members serve in an unpaid volunteer capacity, covering expenses personally. Therefore all donations go to the children.

About Us
SPES translated from Latin means HOPE. In French, the letters stand for “Support for Suffering Childhood”.

SPES International its American branch SPES- USA is a philanthropic, apolitical , nonprofit association founded in the year 2000. SPES is a voluntary association comprising unpaid members. Everything you give goes directly to SPES- Togo to support the needs of the children.
SPES- Togo is in charge of all daily activities under the supervision of SPES- International.
  • The mission of SPES is to take care of orphans and abandoned children.
  • To protect the children against malnourishment and disease.
  • To give the children love and affection of their “home mothers.”
  • To give them education and raise them in their culture until they are adults and self- sufficient. The youngest children go to kindergarten while the older ones attend Elementary and High school.
The children taken in charge by SPES can only be sponsored but cannot be adopted.